Education Programming
Teaching and learning online offers a unique opportunity to engage faculty and students in a novel way. Virtual classrooms support mastery of digital tools as well as collaboration with broad and diverse learning communities.


We offer k-12 leadership counseling, faculty professional development, curriculum components and an on-demand digital library full of resources to help educators create learning environments that engage and prepare students for an evolving world.

Leadership Counseling and Professional Development


Leadership counseling helps administrators and faculty create conditions for schooling that engages and prepares students for success in any learning environment. We partner with school groups to help them navigate remote and hybrid learning communities, and motivate students through these unprecedented times.


During this time of distance learning and hybrid school configurations, we are thinking about:

  • Social-emotional learning and support for teachers and students
  • Effective and engaging learning activities
  • Grading and assessing distance learners

Key Questions and Ideas to Explore

  • How do I adapt existing curriculum and assessments for distance learning?
  • How can faculty manage their time effectively when teaching remotely?
  • What can distance learning accountability look like?
  • How can we provide collaborative professional development while social distancing?
  • How do we teach students to self-navigate?
  • How do we use standards-based grading and reporting to accurately reflect student performance?

Interactive Webinars and Guided Conversations around Contemporary Teaching and Learning

We deliver custom and timely webinars to teachers and school groups in need of guidance around specific topics. Below is a short list of our most requested sessions, and we often work with leadership to co-create learning experiences that are a best fit for their teams.

Sample Professional Development Topics

  • curriculum design, unit design, and curriculum mapping
  • personalized and individualized learning
  • designing student facing learning targets for self-navigation
  • brain research on literacy development in young brains


  • virtual and blended schedules
  • designing meaningful virtual learning experiences
  • designing assessments for virtual learning
  • game design lenses in classrooms


Webinars | 1.5 Credit Hours

  • Quest-Based Learning w/ Marie Hubley Alcock, Michael Fisher, Allison Zmuda -- How can we assist our learners in creating personalized quests into meaningful issues and problems? How can we expand global perspectives by engaging students in dynamic interdisciplinary investigations? How do we cultivate global competence and connections in the curriculum? Participants will walk through a step by step process for helping learners dive into personalized investigations.
  • Game Design Lenses w/ Marie Hubley Alcock -- In this session, participants will collaboratively explore a number of Game Design Lenses that will bring their contemporary teaching and learning practices to a whole new level. Literally. Participants will “level up” as they are invited to collaboratively assess games they already play and pitch a new game through several lenses. Participants will share their creations with the group and create an action plan for taking the game design lenses back to their home schools.

Curriculum Audits with Custom Curriculum Maps, Units and Lesson Plan Development

Curriculum audit programs include critical feedback, as well as school specific development of curriculum maps, units, lesson plans, year-long contexts, or other curricular components. Curriculum designers and teachers benefit from hours saved in lesson preparation and expert review of their units.


Curriculum Database Audits & Feedback

  • Audit of curriculum database and curricular components to identify strengths, gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • Review of existing curriculum frameworks for quality and continuity.

Curriculum Alignment & Components 

  • We can provide a framework for alignment to required standards in a curriculum database, with recorded demonstrations and/ or reporting.
  • We also offer exemplary samples and custom components by discipline and grade level.

Specific Components in Audit: We can customize to your needs


  • Quality Virtual Curriculum
  • Self navigating curriculum
  • Quality Learning Targets
  • Is it Personalized learning?
  • Internal Alignment of a unit
  • Vertical & Horizontal Alignment between courses
  • Quality Portrait of a graduate targets
  • Contemporary Consensus Maps


  • Quality Engaging Student Activities
  • Differentiation of experiences
  • Crosswalk of Existing Material to non negotiable requirements


  • Quality Virtual Assessments
  • Common Assessments & assessment placeholders
  • Item Banks
  • Proficiency Scales
  • Method to target alignment
  • Scoring Guides